March 17, 2009

Stop and Smell the Roses on March 17

Welcome to the place of MUTTS Shtuff! We’ll tell you where to find the latest MUTTS products online. Stay tuned, as we’ll be updating this page.

Today marks not only the launch of the new site, but also on this day Stop and Smell the Roses, the new MUTTS compilation, is scheduled to be released. It contains all your favorite strips from 2008, so sit back and enjoy reliving some the escapades of your favorite MUTTS characters! Featuring such entertaining strips such as 'The Dude', 'The Doggie Creature From the Black Lagoon', and the 'Shelter Stories Rock Star' series, Stop and Smell the Roses is a must-have for your MUTTS collection.

You may still be able to get a 5% discount on pre-orders of Stop and Smell the Roses if you order right away.

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